

Whenever we talk about love, most of us think about love stories of boys and girls. But love is something that is beyond our thinking level. We all have different perspectives on love. Some say that love is the name of giving happiness without expecting. Some say love is giving your time to someone from your busy schedule etc. And many more definitions I heard, read about love. But as I experienced life I am surprised except our parents everyone else loves their needs only. Only a few people have the courage to love your demerits or only parents can do. If love is God then we should love everyone and everything. And love with God is an actual form of love like Meera loves for Krishna, Bulleh Shah love for his master, Sekh Farid love with his master, and many saints from a different culture and places show us the meaning of actual love. This is the most difficult form of love. and I can say love is the name of difficulties. Meera faced very rude behavior from parents, family, husband, ...

Be Humam

As we are born in an independent world we all have self-decided goals in life to be achieved. We all are in a race to be successful than one another. We even sacrifice all our principle of life to be more successful. But we often forget that the money earned by dishonesty, the feelings arising out of greed, become the object of sorrow in the end. Never use a false way to earn money it will become a reason for disease in your family and all your unscrupulous money will go to the doctors. The money earned by dishonesty never survives, and the sickness that we have to suffer takes its interest. So never break your principle to earn more money to be more successful.  If you find someone is very good at something tell him/her that he/she is doing good and must give your wishes for their future. never feel jealous of anyone, jealous put you down just feels happy for everyone. appreciating with words, feel happiness for others, give support in hard times all these acts are free of co...


Respectful, Polite, honest, and kind nature is most important in life to be happy. When we start to appreciate every small thing in life we become happier. We all need to be thankful for nature to give us such wonderful natural things to live. But we all are busy complaining about our small life problems. The topmost creation of God is human so we have to be thankful for this Great life. So we should value all humans feelings, we should respect and support each other.  we meet so many people from different languages from different cultures and totally opposite behavior from us but sometimes they create a deep impact on our life. Learn from every person whether they are good or bad everyone has a different experience. Human life is a great gift from God. Even our breath is an expensive present for us. So we just need to value this life.  When someone appreciates our efforts towards our work it gives us natural happiness and energy that encourages us to do work better than ...

Stay Postive

 Positivity reflects constructive thinking, searching for a small light in the darkest moment, anticipating positive output and success, and concentrating on making life happier. Positivity is a great tool to live a happy, long, and healthy life. It almost depends upon our way of thinking that how we react to small problems.  The key to unlocking your stress is positive thinking. Positivity helps you to stay calm. Calmness has the power to control unnecessary anger that gives you positive, optimistic thinking that typically comes with motivation. A positive attitude is very much effective in reducing depression. it helps us to stay fit. It is a state of mind that is peaceful and end-all worries, looking at the bright side of life. In the beginning, it's a bit hard to change, because we are having to change what we are used to, and something that your body is used to.  Analyzing these individuals coming towards you is one method is if we will help them to be good...

Be Kind

 Kindness is your good behavior which makes you a helpful, courteous, gentle, and understanding good heart person. When we start doing something for others without any relation and an expectation that moment gives us real happiness. Kindness act as a development that fixes our wounds, soothes and gives us actual happiness. Our hearts should be such that feel the sadness of even our enemies. Be soft as we can't see tears even in our enemy's eyes. Kindness is working as medicine for depression anxiety and sadness. When we try to heal someone's wounds then God saves us from all wounds. We can start helping with small random activities. We need to prefer to buy a daily routine thing from small vendors as some people are working just to earn money for food and fulfill their basic needs. We can help them by buying from will be our first step towards kindness when we start accepting all humans whether, black or white, rich or poor we all are the same. Let's try to do s...

Be A Good Listener

People who give you a lot of time when you're worried about something, you need to talk about your concerns, trying to understand and help you by Giving Compassion & Sympathy, and a shoulder to sob, they are the unique and hardly findable souls, if you have someone who is caring for you stands with you in good and bad times than you are the lucky one. So we also need to be like a person who can understand problems, show interest in listening to our problems. nature is cooperative, polite, patient.  People like to speak more than listen, We all want to be a good speaker, to show that our knowledge is greater than all, my perspectives are good for the particular situation rather than others. Sometimes we speak loudly to show we are more effective. But if we want to learn more things than we need to be a good listener we have to speak less and listen to others. This habit is a sign of patience in nature and respect. who have a habit of listening attentively, and sympathetically, a...

Selfless Service

Be a good human who can love unconditionally. "Be a giver, not a taker" learn to do something for others without expecting anything from them. If you get an opportunity to do something for others or to serve others than you have to take advantage of this time and thank God that God chose you to serve them. God gives serving opportunity only a few people or we can say that only selected persons got the opportunity to serve. From my personal experience of life, at some points, I felt that no one can appreciate my efforts, love, and care and I was depressed, felt upset, start complaining to God. Then I realized that there are many people who need help and many other things that we can do to please our heart. We don't need a relationship to do something for others because relations gives us a reason to expect back. No matter how much we try and how many times we said that we don't expect anything from others. But a bit expectation always in humans from their loved once ev...


As a human, our duty is to love and to be beloved. As it's said that whatever we give it will come back to you. And one of my teachers said whatever you do today, whatever you give today it will come back to you after a few months or years whether it's love or hate, respect or insult, it's up to you what you want to do and give. So we should support each other, help each other and we have to appreciate each other efforts. "It will definitely come back to you in an unexpected way". It's my personal experience.  God created this universe with love, care. He divides himself into parts to make this universe. As written in the bible human being is a temple of living God. Humans are the best creation of God. The universe is sustained on five elements that are air, water, fire, earth, space. Only a human-created with all these five elements. All other living things made of certain elements according to their size & nature. For example, Weather born insects are ma...


When we start to accept life as a beautiful gift of God and appreciate nature, people and things as blessings of God than life become beautiful and easy for us. Instead of that, we are complaining about things that we don't have and fill our minds with negative thoughts. Like, when we see beautiful people than we start thinking about our color, height, slim, fat etc. We all are beloved of God whether we are black or white, slim, or fat. We all are good and beautiful because God never makes unnecessary things.  Acceptance started with you. Accept yourself the way you are. Acceptance is the name of the challenges which we face in our life cycle. In other words, we can say that acceptance is your will power to tolerate the situation . We all once face a situation in life where we can't accept that state because we expect better results but the situation is against our desires and than we start crying, complaint and this will increase our problems. And it will become a cause of de...


According to me,  spirituality is your internal feeling of happiness and gratitude. You can find it where you feel the peace and internal happiness that you never found in the things that you love most and in materialistic things. This is a feeling that is beyond every emotional feeling. this is the place of love where you stop thinking about unnecessary things in the world and totally relaxed for some time from your unnecessary thoughts. Some might find this kind of peace in their religious places church , temple, mosque, or gurudwaras.  To be clear about spirituality I read many religious books and I love to listen to my spiritual master words that described the spiritual path. If we really want to know about the spiritual path deeply than we need to read the life experiences of saints. Here I am going to share the life of my favorite saint.  Bulleh Shah The name Bulleh Shah is a great example of love between master and disciple. He was a great soul. An innocent person ...

Be Honest

Honesty is the quality of being truthful in every stage of life whether it is easy or difficult for your family, friends, or your workplace. Might be you face many difficulties because of your true nature but if you still speak the truth that defines honesty. Even after doing something wrong, if you can accept your mistake its the best example of honesty. Here, the key point to be honest Avoid greed:  Greediness is a major cause of losing your honesty in your business or job. To earn, much money people mostly break their rules. They are ready to speak a lie, always try to make the wrong shortcuts to achieve their goals, always trying to prove themself best from others in the wrong way. Nowadays we all want more money than our needs, we want to be rich. In this race of being rich sometimes we start walking on the wrong track. Never break your rules to earn money Be honest .


Be grateful for what you have. Appreciate everything and never a complaint. When you pray for something and your wish not completed in that situation instead of complaining to God just think about things which God gives you without asking  Whenever you feel depressed and feel sad because of your life problems in that situation fill your mind with a positive attitude and start focus on things that you have instead that you don't have.  Just start to think in another way and always be thankful for this beautiful life because no matter what the current situation it will change in God's ways. Gratitude is an emotion that comes from your heart when you feel the grace of God. It's similar to the appreciation of the work of your employee, appreciate your mother's efforts, and positive psychology research has found psychological reasons for making thankful to the people for taking better work from them in future. Do good for others and feel the internal peace of how it gives...

Trust In God

Let's create a relation with our internal peace, the power of the universe that is beyond birth and death, which is everywhere, in nature, in humans. He is a father of the universe, an ultimate power, an actual meaning of love, and has so many words to write to define God but we cannot define him in words. Once you created relation with God and start loving him you feel like you have no need to be loved by anyone else but you yourself filled with love. And you will definitely love yourself and all universe because its created by God. your love will be without any relation without expecting anything from them and automatically become kind for objects created by God. Trust him in all states of life he will never let you fall. Relation with God is the only relation of the world in which there is no cheating. When you start trusting him you feel everything as a blessing of God. If we fee; even our breath is the greatest gift from God with which we can alive. we have to thank him...