
Whenever we talk about love, most of us think about love stories of boys and girls. But love is something that is beyond our thinking level. We all have different perspectives on love. Some say that love is the name of giving happiness without expecting. Some say love is giving your time to someone from your busy schedule etc. And many more definitions I heard, read about love. But as I experienced life I am surprised except our parents everyone else loves their needs only. Only a few people have the courage to love your demerits or only parents can do. If love is God then we should love everyone and everything. And love with God is an actual form of love like Meera loves for Krishna, Bulleh Shah love for his master, Sekh Farid love with his master, and many saints from a different culture and places show us the meaning of actual love. This is the most difficult form of love. and I can say love is the name of difficulties. Meera faced very rude behavior from parents, family, husband, ...