
As a human, our duty is to love and to be beloved. As it's said that whatever we give it will come back to you. And one of my teachers said whatever you do today, whatever you give today it will come back to you after a few months or years whether it's love or hate, respect or insult, it's up to you what you want to do and give. So we should support each other, help each other and we have to appreciate each other efforts. "It will definitely come back to you in an unexpected way". It's my personal experience. God created this universe with love, care. He divides himself into parts to make this universe. As written in the bible human being is a temple of living God. Humans are the best creation of God. The universe is sustained on five elements that are air, water, fire, earth, space. Only a human-created with all these five elements. All other living things made of certain elements according to their size & nature. For example, Weather born insects are ma...